Our people are the heart and soul of J & J Air Conditioning. We offer our employees unparalleled opportunities for training, advancement, and growth within a supportive and open work environment that acknowledges and rewards excellence.
Although we have grown well beyond our original kitchen table office and two employees, we will never outgrow our core values of treating people with dignity, respect, and fairness. Our people are encouraged to make their own decisions and judgments and are not penalized for mistakes.
Our staff members are very carefully chosen. We look for well-rounded, high-quality individuals who have a sense of pride and mission. Equally important, all of our employees must have a warm, engaging personality and be able to communicate and bond well with customers and co-workers alike.
We structure our work environment to minimize barriers, unnecessary procedures, and multiple layers of management with a constant goal of operating as close to our customers as possible.
We are steadfastly committed to sound financial and business practices to assure our people of a long, rewarding career with generous retirement benefits.
If you were asked by a family member or friend why you work at J & J Air Conditioning, what would you say?
“I like the working environment and equal racial opportunities.”
“It’s a company that’s really professional on all aspects. J & J cares about customer satisfaction. J&J also cares about its employees, not only at the professional level but also at the personal level.”
“It’s a great place to work where each co-worker, including management, support each other, giving you the skills and tools in order to perform and achieve your best.”
What interaction with your manager or fellow employee that stands out in your memory that confirms that J & J Air Conditioning is a good place to work?
“I feel I can speak for several of us who have been stricken with personal traumas and tragedies. Not only has Jerry been, but absolutely everyone has been, supportive to each of us. Jerry says, ‘Do what you have to do.’ and he supports us in our every action. J & J is more than just a great company. It’s the big family I never had.”
“When I made a mistake, management corrected me but with the comfort of taking it as a learning experience.”
“It was a really hot summer week and our manager, Jeff, offered himself to bring us cool drinks to our jobsite if needed. Knowing that he’s a really busy person and the fact that he was willing to get us a drink, really tells me that he also cares at a personal level.”
Are there any activities within J & J Air Conditioning that you enjoy and would like to comment on?
“I enjoy the family picnic and go-cart racing.
“The family picnics are a must to attend every year.
“I enjoy the toy drive that J & J Air has every Christmas.”
Any other comments or stories that you'd like to share?
“I appreciate that any safety issue at all, whether for the job or with my service van, the cost is never an issue.
“They are willing to give you a break so you can show your potential.
“J & J is like one big family where I can always count on any other fellow employee or management when I need help. And, of course, Jerry is always caring about all of us.”